Pilates Certification


If you are an avid exerciser, achieving your Pilates certification is an excellent way to not only get more involved with the fitness community but also allow yourself to make some money while you are at it.

One of the best parts about getting a Pilates certification is that you get to help others learn this art while getting a workout yourself.

Most of the time during the class you will be demonstrating the movements so the participants can follow along with you. By instructing a few classes a week you will be able to maintain your fitness level without much additional training.

The Pilates certification centre offers a variety of different courses, a MAT level 1, a MAT level 2, a reformer course, and a Cadillac (proper breathing technique) course. Each program consists of a series of workshops where you will learn all the principles needed to complete the course.

Generally the cost of each course is $520, however they do offer a discount at $980 if you decide to pursue two different courses at the same time. You can also schedule your own one-on-one training and this will take place any time that is convenient for you. This is an excellent option for those who are working full-time and may not be able to attend the designated sessions required. The cost of this route will be $1000.

In each course you will learn the names of the exercises you will be instructing, how to properly perform the exercises, what goal the exercises are accomplishing, the benefits of each exercise, proper breathing technique, how to use effective verbal cues and the anatomy of the body.

So if you would like to instruct a course at your local gym, look into taking one of these courses. You can also take it for your own informational purposes as well as you will be sure to learn a lot of helpful information.



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