Free Weights


You can buy and use free weights at home or buy a gym membership and do them there. Either way, working out with them should be an integral part of your workout plan, along with some sort of cardio and any other training you may desire.

Studies have shown that using free weights can help burns calories, increase muscle size, strength, power, and endurance, and increase bone density.

For most who exercise, the best part about free weights is that unlike a weightlifting bench or other equipment, they do not restrict your movement.

This means that you can get full range of motion with your free weights, which helps build up your overall strength, especially through your core. If you use the right technique and form, this will help you reach your fitness goals faster or simply help you maintain them once achieved.

When first working out this way, it is advised to seek the help of a professional. Your local gym can assign you a personal trainer who can advise you about the best way to go about your goal. Many people start using this type of equipment on their own, and this can lead to injury if not done properly. There is a definite technique involved to get maximum results and a professional can help you perfect it.

If buying the equipment, you should spend good money on quality items- this is likely a one-time purchase that you will be using often so quality counts.

Dumbells are a good start but for later use, you may want to consider adjustable equipment where you can add or subtract pounds in order to tailor your workout. You may also want to look into the newer equipment with ergonomic and slip-free grips for a comfortable feel and workout.



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