Osteoporosis Prevention


The best treatment for this illness is osteoporosis prevention. Learning what the risk factors are and determining if you are at risk are the first step.

Osteoporosis prevention is easy and will save you much discomfort later in life.

Some determining factors for this illness include the thickness of your bones early in life and you diet, health and physical activity later in life. The thicker your bones are, the less likely the will become thin and break. Osteoporosis prevention is especially important to young women who have a higher risk of developing this illness.

Physical activity in the teens years will also increase bone mass and reduce your risk. Here are some tips to think about for osteoporosis prevention:

  • Eat a nutritious diet that includes a variety of food (whole grains, vegetables, lean meats)
  • Take calcium - between 100-1200mg/day to help build bones
  • Take Vitamin D - try to get between 200-600 IU a day depending on your age.
  • Get regular exercise - weight bearing exercises such as strength training, dancing, walking - helps bones and muscles stay healthy
  • Limit alcohol intake - one drink per day
  • Don't smoke - this elevates the rate of bone thinning

Healthy habits are the best way to avoid getting this illness. Start early and make it a lifelong commitment.



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