Hypothyroid symptom


Educate yourself about how to recognize a Hypothyroid Symptom! Because a hypothyroid symptom is easy to dismiss or attribute to another problem, being able to recognize one is key to getting the treatment you need.

Good medical treatment and changes to your diet can go a long way towards alleviating your hypothyroid symptom. Though the illness can't be cured, the quality of life can be improved. So how can you spot a hypothyroid symptom?

The most common indicators that you might be suffering from this condition are unexplained or excessive tiredness or fatigue; a feeling of weakness in your muscles that wasn't caused by exercise or other means of physical exertion; gaining a lot of weight over a relatively short period of time without massively altering your diet, and having trouble losing the weight again; coarse, dry or thinning hair; dry, rough, pale or lacklustre skin; an unusual sensitivity to the cold; frequent or regular muscle cramps or aches; chronic constipation; feeling depressed; being irritable without reason and having increased sensitivity to repetitive noises; memory loss that's not associated with advanced age; abnormal or infrequent menstrual cycles in women; decreased libido or lack of enthusiasm towards sexual activity.

Once you've flagged this issue up with your GP, they will be able to run tests that will prove conclusively that you're suffering from the condition. Good treatment can go a long way towards giving you back a normal life.



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