Appetite Suppressant


Wondering whether an appetite suppressant might be the answer to your desire to lose weight? An appetite suppressant is a form of medication that works to make you feel less hungry, meaning you're less likely to reach for an extra cookie or a mid-afternoon chocolate bar.

Appetite suppressant products were developed during the first World War in order to keep soldiers from feeling hungry when rations were low, and were later put on the market for public use to combat obesity. But how do appetite suppressant products work? And are they really safe for use?

Appetite suppressant products contain stimulants, which are generally related to amphetamines. They act on your body in a similar way to the drug Speed. They increase the rate that your body systems operate, and induce a state of physical stress and awareness that interrupts the desire for food in a similar way to how you generally don't feel hungry if you are nervous, stressed or frightened.

These pills are sometimes prescribed by doctors as a method to counter extreme cases of obesity, but patients are always monitored quite closely for any adverse side effects.

These drugs have many negative effects that have lead to many forms of the product being taken off the market. Some of these side effects include hypertension, which can lead to heart attack, heart valve damage and stroke; tachycardia; and addiction.

Despite these risks, there are a number of these products still on the market for public use. These include Fastin, Adipex, Lonamin, Tenuate, Prelu-2, Bontril, Didrex, Meridia, Reductil, and Acomplia. If you are considering one incorporating one of these drugs into your slimming plan, please be sure to consult your doctor.



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