Calories in vegetables


Do you know about the calories in vegetables? If you think that being on a diet means eating all the vegetables you can get your hands on then think again?

While vegetables are choc full of nutrients, fibre and usually have a low fat content, it's important to remember that in terms of caloric content, not all vegetables are created equal.

It's true that replacing high-fat, high-sugar snacks with fresh produce options will usually result in weight loss, if you're on a calorie-restricted diet, it's important to have an idea of which vegetables care the highest calorie contents. Why not make use of's calorie counter to make sure that when you get your daily requirements of fruit and vegetables you're staying well within your caloric allotment?

From root produce like carrots, potatoes, turnips and sweet potatoes, to sweet vine-ripened peas and tomatoes, our calorie counter can help you tract the caloric counts of all your favourite fresh foods. Another fantastic feature of's calorie counter is that it can also tell you other important pieces of important information about the food in question - including the fat content per serving, as well as the fibre content, and carbohydrate levels.

If you're on a slimming plan, or are even just looking to eat more healthily, you'll want an easy-to-use resource that will allow you to track down this valuable information.

Thankfully,'s calorie counter allows you access to these services with ease, and can even help you to plan your diet strategy and stick to it more easily. It does this by creating daily calorie allowances for you according to your current weight and the amount you'd like to lose.

Why not start working towards a new you today by looking up the caloric and nutritional information available on your favourite fresh produce?



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