Core Conditioning


The exercise regimen known as core conditioning comes in many forms and today is found in many types of group exercise classes.

In years past it was considered to be the stuff of athletes and not really suited to your average everyday Jane or Joe. But studies from reputable centers have shown that even the lightest of core conditioning workouts helps strengthen not only your back and abdomen but your entire body.

Working out these muscles leads to stability, which in turn leads to easier exercising and results.

Core conditioning strengthens your entire lumbo-pelvic region and leads to a toner trunk (including the abs) and better posture. It specifically targets the obliques, lower and upper abs and can help get the ripped 'six pack' look that so many men and women desire. This regimen includes basic exercises done with special equipment such as an exercise ball to promote balance and stability.

All exercises of this type should be mixed up so as to not target only one set of the three muscle groups. All three muscles groups should be a part of your workout. To be as effective as possible, you should do this type of workout at least three times per week for 20-30 minutes per session. Since this is a strength and stability training workout, you should also do some cardio work such as a treadmill or jogging to balance out your exercising. Cardio strengthens your heart and burns fat- you must burn fat in order to see the results of any strength and stability training. A good combination of both will yield positive results that will be highly noticeable in a few weeks time.



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