Boot Camp


If you want to combine both hearth and strength exercises in one, boot camp may be a great option for you. A combination of cardio and other training exercises, boot camp is so called because many of the routines resemble the workout of a soldier in training for the armed forces.

It is rigorous and exhausting but provides great results and often quicker than other types of workout regimens.

The popularity of boot camp comes not only from the results it produces but also by the fact that it can be done in so many different formats. It can resemble a circuit training routine where you go from station to station, alternating exercises and reps on different muscle groups. Other times it is a large class where little or no equipment is used and your own body provides resistance. Lastly, boot camp can also be tailored to an individual and be highly specialized to fit your needs.

This type of workout has many benefits. It burns a ton of calories in a short period of time, which helps reduce your overall body fat. It is also extraordinarily efficient for the amount of time it takes, working out every major muscle group and providing cardiovascular benefits as well.

Since the workout is usually short- sometimes as little as 30 minutes but up to one hour- it can easily be fit into a hectic, busy schedule.

It also only needs to be performed 3-4 times per week to be effective, meaning you have time not only for recovery if you are sore but also making it that much easier to fit into your schedule.



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