Personal Trainer Salary


The personal trainer salary rates you will see in this occupation can vary a fair amount so it is wise to check into a few different gyms before you decide where you wish to work.

Generally the personal trainer salary rate is going to be by the hour so the more clients you take on, the more money you are going to make.

What you must watch for however is how much of your personal trainer salary will go towards the club in which you are working. Often they will take commission rates of up to 75%. This leaves you with much less revenue than you were likely hoping for.

One of the best ways to increase the amount of money you make is to go out and start your own company up. This way you will be in control of how much you charge and will be able to keep all of your earnings (after tax deductions).

The downside to doing this however is being able to generate enough clients to keep your business going. The best method is to gain experience in a larger chain gym, develop a steady clientele and then open up your own business. Word of mouth is very important in this industry and any clients that remain with you may be able to help you generate more through referrals.

There is no doubt though that if you find work in a good gym you will be able to earn a very good living with a career such as this plus have the flexibility in your schedule that many other professions do not offer.



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