Benefits of Yoga


One very big benefit of yoga is the stress relief it provides. As life gets more and more demanding we become more vulnerable to higher rates of stress and tension which can set you up for many future health problems, notably depression and burnout.

Along with increased stress comes a higher rate of cortisol release in the body which creates an environment conducive to muscle catabolism (wasting) and a higher likelihood of adding abdominal fat, both of which you will want to avoid if weight maintenance is your goal.

This benefit of yoga should not be overlooked. Many people do not consider this form of exercise that great because they think that a workout needs to be intense in order to see results. You need to remember that while intense workouts are good and are what are going to deliver the most aesthetic results, the aspects of flexibility and stress relief are very important components of a fitness program too.

Another benefit of yoga is muscle relaxation. If you are involved in more intense forms of activity, which is likely the case, then this workout will give you a change of pace and also help to relieve any muscle tension that has built up in the muscles over time.

Taking care of this properly will be beneficial as it will then allow you to workout harder during your other workouts at a later time.

Finally, many people find this form of exercise to be quite spiritual in nature and find that it helps not only their physical self, but their entire well-being as well. It is a great well-rounded workout that can be done by a participant at any age or fitness level. Remember to start slowly however and find a class that is suitable and comfortable for you.



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