Vitamin K


Arguably the most neglected of the major nutrients, Vitamin K is still vitally important to your overall health and well-being.

It is relatively easy to get in your everyday diet and the daily recommended amount is very small, but that does not mean that you can forget about Vitamin K or the role it should play in your daily food intake.

Vitamin K is necessary for your blood. It helps blood coagulate, or clot. If you get a cut, scrape or more serious wound, how fast it clots has a lot to do with the levels of Vitamin K in your system. It also contributes to bone health as well, though its main usefulness is to the blood.

You can get this nutrient naturally through your food, and since you only need an average of 120 micrograms per day (for a 25 yr old male), getting the necessary amount is not very hard to do.

You can find it in such foods as leafy greens- spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, in organ meats like liver and even in some dairy products such as milk, eggs and soybean products. With all of those choices you can see why it's so easy to get the necessary amount.

Not getting enough can be very damaging, particularly to your blood and digestive tract. You risk having internal bleeding that can be massive and even lead to death. Your bones may grow very little or be deformed and lack of it can cause a blockage in your arteries and/or intestines.

Again, getting the necessary amount is very easy since it's very small. The risk of deficiency due to diet is very small and very rare. Normally it is a genetic deficiency that can be treated with medical help and medication.



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