Thigh exercise


Considered a trouble area for many women, thigh exercises can help tone and sculpt the leg. Strengthening these muscles also will improve sports performance and help you perform everyday activities with ease.

Thigh exercises are easy to include into your workout and can be done with various pieces of equipment.

In order to perform the most effective and safe thigh exercises, it is important to understand the muscles involved and their function. The quadriceps is responsible for straightening the knee. They are used in walking and pedaling. An example of a move to work this group is a squat (with free weights, machines or resistance bands).

The hamstrings bend the knee and are important in activities such as skipping or running. An example of a hamstring exercise would be leg curls (with a machine or using a bench). Proper leg exercises will result in shapely muscles and improved strength. These muscles are utilized in performing other exercises of the lower body so you want to ensure that you do not over train them.

When executing these movements it is important to perform them slowly and with control. Ideally, you will work on these muscles on 2 separate days as they work in opposition to each other. That means they can tire even when they are not being worked specifically. Begin with one exercise for both the quadriceps and hamstrings for 1 set and between 12-15 repetitions. You can increase sets and weights as you become more comfortable with the movements and adjust based on your fitness goals.



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