Quick Weight Loss Diet


Is there such thing as a quick weight loss diet that works?

In the modern world, we have increasingly short attention spans, and we strive for instant gratification - especially when it comes to slimming programs.

The market is flooded by quick weight loss diet strategies, all promising drastic changes to your shape over a short period of time - perfect for getting you slim in time for a wedding or vacation. But how healthy are these quick weight loss diet plans? What are the most popular quick weight loss diet plans out there? And how likely is it that you'll keep the weight off for good?

The truth is, most quick weight loss diet plans are little more than fads. While they can lead you temporarily lose excess pounds, the means they use to help you achieve this aren't sound, so those pounds tend to creep back on as soon as you've gone of the fad plan. And unfortunately, regaining isn't the only thing to be worried about with fad plans.

These plans are often based on drastically limiting calories - even to the point of cutting out entire food groups. While these fad plans don't generally last very long, often only 3-7 days, the elimination of food groups can result in damage to your system with symptoms that ranges from minor abdominal pain and wind, to malnutrition and decreased immunity. Many of these plans advocate a severe reduction in fruits and vegetables which contain antioxidants and anticancerigens.

Another drawback to this sort of plan is that because they advocate such extreme practices, they don't help you to learn about how to make lifestyle changes that will continue to benefit you into the future. A good slimming plan re-educates you about how to eat in a balanced way, prepare healthy meals, and properly exercise portion control.

Rather than subscribing to a fad plan, why not make and investment in your future and discuss healthy, sensible eating plans with your doctor or a nutritionist?



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