Ashtanga Yoga


If you are looking to gain strength then Ashtanga yoga is the class for you. Ashtanga yoga, also sometimes pronounced Astanga, means eight limbs and is based on eight different principles.

They are

  • moral codes
  • self-purification and study
  • posture
  • breath control
  • sense control
  • concentration
  • meditation
  • contemplation

The first series of Ashtanga yoga is called Chikitsa and its main focus is to re-align the spine, detoxify the body while also building strength and stamina.

It consists of a serious of 75 different poses that you move through in a fluid manner. There are a wide variety of movements you will move through including both standing and seated poses, inversions and backbend positions. The total time until completion of this workout is normally around an hour and a half to two hours and ends with a relaxation period.

The second series is called Shodana and its focus is on the purification of the nervous system. Individuals only begin to learn this once they have mastered the first series and feel comfortable with it. This series follows similar positions however there are new advanced moves added.

Finally, advanced participants can move onto "Sthira Bhaga" which focuses on stability and incorporates intense arm balance positions.

Most people starting out with this form of exercise begin in a typical class setting where they follow an instructor, however, once they move onto the advanced stages they often take up self-led practice. This makes it ideal for those who wish to practice at home. These individuals may still consult an instructor for guidance however they are now at the level where they can for the most part work on their own.

So if you are looking for a more intense, athletic form of exercise this could be a perfect choice for you. Try out a class next time and see what you think. It's a great alterative to a strength training routine.



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