Kundalini Yoga


Different from the other types out there, Kundalini yoga is all about the energy of your soul.

Kunkalini yoga takes on a slightly different focus because it really focuses in on our mental processes to help bring together our spiritual selves with our physical selves.

Kundalini yoga can be described as a process that concentrates on combining the energy of our consciousness, the awareness of our higher self and our emanation of infinity. Followers believe that when we get in touch with both aspects of our selves our glandular and nervous system work together to enhance the movement and flow of the cerebral spinal fluid and to heighten the sensitivity in the nerve endings. The result of this is that there is a new clarity that expands our perceptions and helps us make better decisions on how to live our life. Additionally, followers notice a sense of freedom that is obtained when they start believing they are in more control of their destiny.

The practice of this activity really helps you learn more about yourself as a person. It teaches you about what you believe in your heart, what your body experiences in the outside world and how these to connect together to form the individual you become.

The physical benefits you will get from taking these classes are that it keeps your immune system strong, it improves the nervous system and also increase circulation throughout the body.

Learning this art is a great addition to your regular fitness regime, which focuses more on only the physical aspects of your health. By including this you will get a much more rounded approach to your total well being.



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