Prenatal Yoga


From the time you conceive to when you give birth, prenatal yoga is a great option to both keep you in shape and help to reduce the stress associated with pregnancy.

It does not matter if you are new to this type of exercises or are already a seasoned pro, there are so many benefits to be seen from prenatal yoga that you should definitely find a class that suits you.

Just as your pregnancy is divided into three semesters so are prenatal yoga classes. During the first trimester the purpose of the classes are to learn to listen to your body and find ways to feel better about yourself. Since you are undergoing many inside transformations you may deal with a variety of symptoms such as morning sickness, cramps and muscle aches. For this reason it is a good idea to find a class that is low impact and less intense so to let your body relax with a gentle form of exercise. You must inform any instructor as soon as you know you are pregnant however so she can make sure you are not doing any positions that may be too hard on your body.

During the second semester you are in your prime to perform this type of exercise. You likely do not have as much morning sickness and since your stomach hasn't quite grown to full form yet you can still perform a variety of movements without too much difficulty. Recommended poses for this trimester include Pigeon, Warrior II, Triangle, Ardha Chandrasana, Baddha Konasana and Knee-to-Ankle. These positions will all help to increase your flexibility so as to make the actual process of childbirth easier.

Finally, during the third trimester you may be having a slightly harder time moving and will need to take this into account. If you are going to attend you may want to focus more on positions where you are not compressing your stomach as much since you will likely be much larger. Furthermore, the concentration of these classes should now be more focused on reducing your stress levels and helping you to mentally prepare for childbirth.

Remember to always work at your own pace during this time and progress to a level you are comfortable with. Now is not the time to try and challenge yourself too much physically but rather maintain some physical conditioning while staying active and in a positive frame of mind.



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